Helsinki Humane Society HESY ry is new but already regular associate. We have supported HESY ry’s work by material donations. We have provided HESY ry with used animal care products and textiles needed for animal care that have been left unsold in our flea market.


HESY ry, established in 1874, is an independent association that promotes animal rights, opposes all kinds of abuse and cruelty against animals and conducts practical animal protection works. It takes care of abandoned animals and consults and educates about animal rights and animal protection issues. HESY ry also takes care of the Helsinki pet cemetary in central park.

HESY ry is among the oldest of still active associations in Finland. It has close to 2000 members and eight member associations that also work on the field of animal protection. For the past 40 years, HESY ry’s main focus has been providing care for abandoned and homeless animals. Abandoned animals of the Helsinki metropolitan region are brought to Viikki animal shelter. Meanwhile, HESY ry supports the animal protection work in other regions by monetary subsidies and bringing animals to Helsinki animal shelter, based on the resources available. In 2020, HESY ry took care of 340 abandoned animals.

In addition to concrete animal protection work, HESY ry maintains a consultation phone line and addresses thousands of calls with advice and counsel about abandoned animals, animal protection and animal care. The media branch of HESY ry takes part in public societal and political debates about animal issues through its press releases, briefings, brochures and campaigns.